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Foreign ministries of Mongolia and Lithuania consult

2014-04-01 12:48:32

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia D.Gankhuyag attended a consultative meeting if Foreign Ministries of Mongolia and Lithuania held in Vilnius on March 28.

The meeting discussed issues related to bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, educational and scientific areas and some international issues of mutual concern. With a view to stimulate bilateral ties, the parties agreed on the establishment of several cooperation documents including a visa waiver agreement for holders of diplomatic and official passports and agreements on transport cooperation and on cooperation in the field of sports.

The cooperation in the agricultural sector which occupies an important position in the economies of countries, organizations trade fairs and forums and exchange of specialists will be contributive to the intensification of bilateral relations and enhancement of the participation of the private sector.

During his working visit to Lithuania, Deputy Foreign Minister D.Gankhuyag held a meeting with Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of Lithuania Sliupas Arijandas. The sides exchanged information on the transport development in respective countries and deliberated opportunities for bilateral cooperation in this area. At the meeting, the Lithuanian side handed over an invitation to OSJD (Organization for Co- operation of Railways) Conference of Ministers to be convened in Vilnius in June 2014.

The sides agreed to study possibilities for the cooperation within an initiative “From a Big Government to a Smart Government” by the President of Mongolia.

Foreign ministries of Mongolia and Lithuania consult  
Үзсэн: 1247 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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