Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar is forecast to be welcoming some five million tourists by 2030. The Citizens Representative Khural of Ulaanbaatar city adopted a “Friendly Ulaanbaatar” program, which aims to increase an annual flow of foreign tourists to Mongolia. Accordingly, the program aims to increase the number of tourists to two million per year, to increase the contribution of the tourism sector to the capital city’s economy by 20 percent, and increase the number of service personnel to 35 thousand people by 2020.
Many different works will be realized to improve economic benefits of tourism, actualize policy enforcement for promoting businesses, provide tourists with safe and convenient environment, offer new products and services and advertize Ulaanbaatar as the major tourism attraction. The five percent of the city’s annual budget will be spent on promoting tourism.
Capital UB is forecast to welcome 5 million tourists by 2030 | ||
Үзсэн: 1430 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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