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Mongolia is a polio free country

2014-10-09 14:33:18

Mongolia is declared a polio free country. The announcement was made at an international discussion themed “A legal environment for vaccination and its financial sustainability” which was held recently in Mongolia`s capital city UB. According to the discussion participants, Mongolia has become the first country in Asia which has completely eliminated poliomyelitis. Head of the parliamentary standing committee on social policy, education, culture and science Mr. Battsogt noted at the international discussion that the state budget for a national vaccination program has been increasing with every passing year. As a result, there has been no polio case registered in Mongolia since 2009. He added that Mongolia`s 2000 law on vaccination is contributing significantly to eradicating major infantile diseases in the country.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia is a polio free country  
Үзсэн: 1432 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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