Mongolia’s deepest and second largest lake Khovsgol is proposed to be inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The official submission documents have been dispatched to UNESCO. Located in the high mountain area in northern Mongolia, Khovsgol is thought to be approximately 2 to 5 million years old. It holds approximately 2% of the earth’s liquid surface freshwater and almost 70% of Mongolia's fresh water.
It is the 10th largest and 4th deepest in Asia. The oval-shaped lake is 36.5 km wide, 136 km long and 262 meters deep. The volume of water is 381 square km. Ninety-six rivers and streams drain into the Khuvsgul but only one, the Egiin Gol river drains from the lake. The area surrounding Khovsgol Lake has been protected as a National Conservation Park in 1992.
Lake Khovsgol to be inscribed in UNESCO | ||
Үзсэн: 1311 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
Сэтгэгдэл бичих:
АНХААРУУЛГА: Уншигчдын бичсэн сэтгэгдэлд MNB.mn хариуцлага хүлээхгүй болно. ТА сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээг зөрчсөн сэтгэгдэлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Сэтгэгдэлтэй холбоотой санал гомдолыг 70127055 утсаар хүлээн авна.