Visiting delegation led by director at SCE Mr. Kevin Chong has proposed the SCE`s interest in cooperating with Ulaanbaatar City Administration on Ger peri-urban districts` re-panning projects. About 60 percent of 1.4 million Ulaanbaatar residents live in Ger traditional dwelling settlements in the outskirts of the city with no proper infrastructure systems. In the past few years, the Ger districts have become the major source of air pollution in the city.
The Ger districts on more than one thousand hectares of land have been re-developed since 2013 by building apartments on the sites. Mr. Kevin Chong highlighted that Singapore`s suburban areas undergone re-structure in the 1960`s and the country is prepared to share its experience with Mongolia.
Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) is to support Ulaanbaatar`s peri-urban districts re-development efforts | ||
Үзсэн: 1590 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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