Ulaanbaatar city streets to be re-organized. The Ulaanbaatar Global City Project aims to develop street planning, improve street appearance to adhere to world standards, accomodate to needs and demands of the city residents, introduce new standards into billboards and information boards, develop new concepts for urban planning and support small and medium enterprises.
The streets wil be thematically developed such as Tourist Street will be equipped with smart information boards and constant rotating exhibitions to be displayed, whereas named after big city streets to be furnished in accordance with those cities vibes. Financing of the project is planned to be raised partly from the Capital city budget, donations of international organizations, investments and the private sector. These renovations and developments are expected to be done before the mid-2016.
Ulaanbaatar city to be re-organized | ||
Үзсэн: 1748 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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