2015 is declared as “Year of Youth Development”. Mongolia’s Ministry of Population Development and Social Welfare announced 2015 as “Year of Youth Development of Mongolia”. Majority of Mongolian population is young people. According to the statistics, over 35 percent of Mongolia’s population is youth under age of 35, and about 30% is children. In scope of the “Year of Youth Development”, the Ministry of Population Development and Social Welfare is going to formulate state policy on the development of young people.
The ministry will focus on increasing youth participation in development of the country and provide eligible personnel to labor market by choosing right career to students. Also, the youth possibility of engaging in entertainment, sports and arts will be increased. Moreover, the Government of Mongolia, Asian Youth Council and Mongolian Youth Federation will co-organize the 16th Summit of Asian Youth Council in May this year, under the theme “Youth Participation in Goals for Sustainable Development”.
2015 declared as Year of Youth Development | ||
Үзсэн: 1101 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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