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34th anniversary of Mongolia in space is celebrated on March 22nd

2015-03-24 09:32:14

The 34th anniversary of Mongolia in space is celebrated on March 22nd. In 1981 Mongolian cosmonaut Jugderdemidiin Gurragchaa together with Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov on board Soyuz 39 spaceship flew to space and docked with Salyut 6. While in orbit, Dzhanibekov and Gürragchaa carried out experiments on earth science.

After 7 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes in space, Gürragchaa and Dzhanibekov returned safely to earth. For the anniversary there was held an event “Mongolians Reaching for Space” focusing on individual contributions to the launch. There was also held an art exhibition of postage stamps, photos, and collectible envelopes depicting the flight. A range of activities for children were held including lessons to increase children’s knowledge about space, annual song, drawing, and poetry competitions.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

34th anniversary of Mongolia in space is celebrated on March 22nd  
Үзсэн: 1515 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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