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Mongolian University confers Honorary Doctorate Degree to Dalai Lama

2015-03-31 12:14:48

Mongolian University confers Honorary Doctorate Degree to Dalai Lama. On the concluding day of the international conference on "Science, Ethics, and Education" organized by the University of Delhi, the Dalai Lama was conferred two Honorary Doctorate Degrees, one by the Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Science and another by the University of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. "I have received many degrees from so many academic institutions, but it holds a special meaning to receive one from Mongolia," said the Dalai Lama during the acceptance address. He further explained that Mongolia and Tibet shares over a thousand year old connection, with the Dalai Lamas always holding a special relation with Mongolia since the time of Sonam Gyatso, the third Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolian University confers Honorary Doctorate Degree to Dalai Lama  
Үзсэн: 1000 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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