Mongolia’s capital city is to have satellite towns. Baganuur and Nalaikh satellite towns will be developed to ensure a balanced development of Ulaanbaatar city’s economic infrastructure, reduce its overpopulation and maintain proper environmental balance. The decision on satellite towns has followed a public opinion poll conducted in Baganuur and Nalaihk districts. Baganuur district was established in 1978, 140 km off Ulaanbaatar based on a coal mine and has the population of almost 28 thousand.
In the Master Plan of the Ulaanbaatar city until 2030 Baganuur is identified to be a satellite town focused on coal mining, electricity generation, coal processing, nano technology, construction materials, light industry and transportation logistics. By 2030 Baganuur will have the population of 60000. Nalaikh district located some 30 km off the capital city was founded in 1962 based on a coal mine and currently, has the population of more than 33 thousand. Nalaikh town will be developed as a center of promoting household farming, wholesale trade, and a vocational training center for progressive and advanced technology. By 2030 the town’s population will increase to 65 thousand.
Mongolia’s capital city to have satellite towns | ||
Үзсэн: 1336 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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