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Tavan-Tolgoi`s draft agreement to be discussed at Parliament

2015-04-08 14:08:38

Tavan-Tolgoi`s draft agreement to be discussed at Parliament. Having reviewed the ongoing negotiations on TT thermal and coking coal project DP faction in Parliament considered that the TT draft agreement should be thoroughly investigated by a working group formed with other political parties and considered that the government should be empowered to sign the document after the parliament considers the draft agreement.

For the entire Mongolian population are the shareholders of the TT Company the signing of the agreement on TT needs to be transparent, it considers. Therefore the draft agreement has been uploaded on websites for public review. The government requests to have the TT draft agreement considered by Parliament within two weeks. Tavan Tolgoi is one of several large scale mineral deposits expected to stimulate the national economy.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Tavan-Tolgoi`s draft agreement to be discussed at Parliament  
Үзсэн: 1233 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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