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Mongolia-Japan relationship broadens in cashmere and wool sector

2015-04-16 13:45:47

Mongolia-Japan relationship broadens in cashmere and wool sector. Representatives of Mongolian wool and cashmere sector are on a study tour to Japan to be introduced to the modern equipment and techniques being used at Shima Seiki Company, with a focus on their APEX-3 system. They are learning the way how to minimize unnecessary costs of production and to create savings. 

Moreover, Mongolian cashmere producers, Japanese partners are trying to arrange for the loaning of machinery required for the cashmere industry under Mongolia-Japan new free trade agreement. Shima Seiki opened a representative office in Mongolia in 2008 and has provided the cashmere industry in Mongolia with 80 percent of the total supply of machinery and equipment for the production of textile products.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia-Japan relationship broadens in cashmere and wool sector  
Үзсэн: 1187 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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