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Mongolia, Russia, and China make efforts to further transportation and logistics collaboration

2015-04-16 13:51:46

Mongolia, Russia, and China make efforts to further transportation and logistics collaboration. The second consultative meeting of deputy ministers of transportation of Mongolia, China, and Russia which was held in Mongolia`s capital city considered issues related to establishing a collaborative transportation-logistics company, setting a target amount of transit cargo, coming up with rationales to open two new railway corridors connecting Russia and China via Mongolia. At the consultative meeting Mongolia, China, and Russia signed a protocol to regularly hold the meeting to discuss possible tri-party cooperation on transit transportation.

The Government of Mongolia aims to develop Mongolia-China-Russia Economic Corridor and one of the ways to establish the corridor is to develop transit transportation with its two neighbors as trade turnover between Russia and China has been increased. Within this objective, Mongolia initiated Ulaanbaatar Trilateral Meeting of Mongolian, Chinese, and Russian state heads, deputy FMs, and deputy ministers of transportation. This year, the Presidents of three countries are expected to sign an agreement to establish trilateral transportation-logistics company proposed by Mongolia. Additionally, Mongolia proposed to construct railway between China and Kazan of Russia through the territory of Mongolia.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia, Russia, and China make efforts to further transportation and logistics collaboration  
Үзсэн: 1425 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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