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Mongolian mountaineer to climb highest mountain in Australia

2015-04-20 10:09:48

Mongolian mountaineer is to climb the highest mountain in Australia. Mongolian alpinist Usukhbayar will conquer Mount Kosciuszko, the highest mountain in Australia in late April to challenge the skills of Mongolian mountaineers. Usukhbayar has set the goal to climb the Seven Summits, the highest mountains of each of the seven continents.

He has so far done 4; Mt. Everest, Mt. McKinley in North America, Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, and Mt. Elbrus in Europe. Having climbed Mount Kosciuszko in Australia, Usukhbayar will become the first Mongolian alpinist to have conquered five of the highest peaks in the world.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolian mountaineer to climb highest mountain in Australia  
Үзсэн: 961 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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