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Ulaanbaatar hosted 13th International Festival of Language and Culture

2015-04-21 09:09:08

Ulaanbaatar hosted the 13th International Festival of Language and Culture. The Festival organized by the International Association of Turkish Language is an annual celebration and showcase for the diversity of linguistic and culture talents from across the world. This year, the festival took place under the them.  “Colors of the World” and some students from 15 countries gathered for the festival.

As part of the festival, International Culture Exhibition was held at Chinghis Central Square in Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar where the participants introduced their national culture, tradition, dance and song.  International Festival of Language and Culture is dedicated to cultivating and educating the youth and creating a platform to share the cultural heritage with their peers around the world.    

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar hosted 13th International Festival of Language and Culture  
Үзсэн: 1346 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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