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Mongolia’s copper producing giants cooperate

2015-04-21 09:25:39

Mongolia’s copper producing giants cooperate. Erdenet Mining Corporation and Oyu Tolgoi Company signed a MoU. Firstly, the equipment produced at the maintenance and mechanical factory of Erdenet Mining Corporation will be supplied to Oyu Tolgoi. Secondly, skilled workers required by Oyu Tolgoi will be trained at the Science and Technology Institute associated with Erdenet Mining Corporation. The two will also share resources to improve Erdenet Mining Corporation's clinic to treat workers for illnesses occurring on the job. It will soon be possible for Erdenet employees to receive the same high quality medical care that Oyu Tolgoi employees have access with proper insurance.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia’s copper producing giants cooperate  
Үзсэн: 1389 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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