Mongolia has potential to export domestic goods to key international markets. Provided Mongolia improves the quality and increases the domestic production, the international market is ready to welcome “Made in Mongolia” brand products.
Mongolia enjoys the most favored nation trading status which allows exporting more than 9 thousand types of products to Japan and some 7 thousand varieties to European countries. Industrialization is a vital indicator for sustainable development that is tied to national security and food security. Therefore, the government has been making efforts to stimulate the domestic production such as drafting the National Strategy for Industry Development 2030 and Law on SMEs.
These legal documents are expected to help expand SMEs which provides about 70 percent of employment in the country. However, economical impact of SMEs is small with production of only 20 percent of GDP. Certain measures need to be taken to develop the sector like supporting national products to compete with substitutable imported goods, improving skills, importing know –how and the latest technologies, and providing sustainable legal environment. Currently, Mongolia has around 50 thousand small and medium sized enterprises.
Mongolia has potential to export domestic goods to key international markets | ||
Үзсэн: 1197 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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