International conference on Mongolian studies was held in Hungary past week. The international conference titled “Mongolian Buddhism: Past, Present and Future” was held at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. The conference was dedicated to the 380th birth anniversary of Zanabazar, the First Resplendent Saint of Mongolia, who was one of the key figures of Mongolian Buddhism who acted in various fields as an eminent monk, a reincarnation, a scholar, an artist, and a politician.
At the Budapest conference some 50 international scholars and monks from 16 countries discussed different aspects of Mongolian Buddhism including the history of Buddhism in Mongolia, Buddhist art, philosophy, literature, medicine and present-day practices in Mongolia, the monastic life and rituals in Mongolia.
International conference on Mongolian studies was held in Hungary | ||
Үзсэн: 1092 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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