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Mongolian students able to obtain Chinese quality education at home

2015-04-27 09:47:32

Mongolian students are now able to obtain Chinese quality education at home. Online Study Center in Ulaanbaatar invites Mongolian students to earn bachelors diploma of Xiamen University while studying back at home. Students can choose from two-year programs of Economics, Law, International Trade, Bank and Finance, Accounting, and Hotel Management of Xiamen University.

Xiamen University is listed among top 20 universities in China and top in the world by its virtual education. The online study center opened this year under the agreement between Mongolia`s Ui –Tsai Chinese language secondary school and the Overseas Education College of Xiamen University.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolian students able to obtain Chinese quality education at home  
Үзсэн: 1230 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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