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Mongolia allows exporting 100 Saker Falcons

2015-04-29 13:45:57

Mongolia allows exporting 100 Saker Falcons. This decision comes after the government`s ban on exporting Saker Falcons for commercial purposes for five year period since 2013. It was believed that export quotas won`t have a detrimental impact on the Saker Falcon population.  Saker Falcons in Mongolia are mainly exported to Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other Arab nations where domesticated falcons symbolize fashion, wealth and high status which create a significant demand for Saker Falcons in the Middle East.  The bird is listed on the red list of endangered species by the World Conservation Union.

Although Mongolia has population of nearly 7 thousand Saker Falcons, Mongolia keeps sustainable growth of Saker falcons thanks to an agreement with the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi to establish artificial nests throughout Mongolia. The artificial nests have been used to increase the breeding population of Saker Falcons in nest-site limited habitats in the country. Saker Falcon is identified as the national bird of Mongolia in 2012. Besides Mongolia, Saker Falcons can be found in China and India.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia allows exporting 100 Saker Falcons  
Үзсэн: 1704 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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