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Mongolia`s preparation for ASEM Summit starts

2015-04-29 13:54:06

Mongolia`s preparation for Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit starts. Mongolian hotels announced to better their services to increase their Hotel Star Ratings by one or two for the 11th annual ASEM summit scheduled in July of next year in Mongolia`s capital city Ulaanbaatar. It is estimated that maximum 4500 guests from more than 50 countries will arrive in UB for the Summit.

Therefore, the government is discussing to grant the long-term soft loans for some hotels to improve their services and star ratings. So far, 43 hotels have officially been chosen to accommodate the participants of ASEM and half of them have star ratings ranging from one to five. In addition to current hotels, world famous chain hotels like "Holiday Inn", "Radisson", "Sheraton", and "Shangri La" are expected to be operational by this year.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia`s preparation for ASEM Summit starts  
Үзсэн: 1314 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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