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Mongolia’s IT sector promotes sustainable development of Ulaanbaatar

2015-04-30 13:12:18

Mongolia’s IT sector promotes sustainable development of UB city. IT competition called “Ideathon” aimed to creatively address UB`s green growth challenges related to energy, transport, water and air quality using ICT innovations and design thinking methodologies.

  Students, coders, makers, sector specialists, and government representatives tried to find an answer to the simple question: How might we help transform Ulaanbaatar into a more sustainable and green city?. Six winning teams advanced to six weeks of startup pre-acceleration and sector mentorship to build entrepreneurial skills. The weekend ideation marathon or “Ideathon” was part of “Code4Green UB” program which is implemented by the World Bank mission in Mongolia.

Нийтэлсэн: Voice of Mongolia

Mongolia’s IT sector promotes sustainable development of Ulaanbaatar  
Үзсэн: 1384 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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