Mongolia to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. Under the anniversary, Victory Day Parade will be held at the Chinggis square in front of the Mongolian Government House. The parade will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945.
Moreover, about 200 Mongolian veterans of the war will be honored where about 95 percent of them reside in the Mongolian capital city Ulaanbaatar. Some other activities will be held until September to remember the Great Patriotic War including the restoration of Mongolian and Soviet soldiers` statue, honoring monuments and statues of Mongolian warriors in China, and making documentaries, history books and albums.
In accordance to the history, Mongolia tremendously supported Russia during the world war two by launching national donation campaigns called “Everything is for front” which sent items from clothing to squadrons with the help of donation by every Mongolian. In fact, more than 700 tons of warm clothes and about 30 thousand horses were gifted to the Russian armies under the national campaign. In total, 10 percent of the horses or around 500 thousand horses were supplied to Russia during the Great Patriotic War.
Mongolia to celebrate 70th anniversary of Great Patriotic War | ||
Үзсэн: 1654 | Mongolian National Broadcaster |
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